This morning, we moved to the gas dock to be first in line for the water refill. It was pretty entertaining, as there were three or four huge yachts at the dock. Watching the crews work (see below) made us realize the upkeep on those big boats.

On the way to Anegada, Terry caught a fish.

We are now heading to Cow Wreck for a few cold adult beverages. Photos to follow.
missed the fishermans call this morning as I was on the treadmill still delusional that I can look good in a bathing suit by Tuesday when I see you all
9 degrees here this morning so VERY tired of seeing y'all with bathing suits on
let me know if Alex needs chalkboard cleaner & i'll pick it up at the teacher store on way home
I am so very disappointed that there seems to be very limited alcohol on this trip!
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